This week we are happy to welcome our new interns for 2020.

Every year, February marks the start for new interns. In 2020 we are happy to welcome not one, not two, but three interns from PXL.
Technologies galore!
DevOps, CI/CD, Multicloud, Security, PaaS, IaC and Cloud. These aren’t just a few buzzwords we only like to throw around. These buzzwords also make up our intern’s core assignments.
During their stay…
During their stay, our near-graduate interns will face numerous challenges. They will be working with various major cloud providers. They will need to learn to investigate and implement technologies, currently still unknown to them. We, over at nFuse, wish them the very best of luck during their stay, and hope to see them tackle every single challenge they will face. We’ll support them, every step of the way!
Welcome, Tommie, Gil, and Gökhan!