Our website deserved a complete make-over after serving us for a little over three years. A snazzier and more pleasing design offers a warmer and more welcoming look and feel. We have added more detail to the services we offer, and we explain what we do, a lot better.
nFuse grew quite a bit in the last couple of years. Our team got bigger, our customer base grew, our services expanded… and we moved offices. Well, maybe that sounds a bit over-the-top. We are still located in the same gorgeous location and building in Hasselt, but we have expanded our office space.
We can call a part of the fifth floor in Corda 1 our home. Our Security Operations Center has been rebuilt, from the ground up. We have added more monitoring screens and a complete video wall. Part of our move was initiated by our wish to be ISO27001 certified – a trajectory that is almost coming to a successful finish. This means that our security got tighter, and access to the SOC is limited.

Expansion of Services
Our main focus has always been the Application Managed Services for our customers, but we did notice and got asked quite a bit, to offer even more services. The very nature of our job is not only the 24/7 managed services. It entails way more…
In the last couple of years, we have expanded our supplier partnerships. For example, we became an AWS Partner for hosting services. Since then we are hosting multiple environments for the Xplore Group and other customers. By extension, our team was offering Dev(Sec)Ops to internal competence centres, and customers. The logical choice was to be able to offer this as a Service, too. The core of nFuse services revolves around these three fields.
“By enabling this three-tier approach, we can offer end-to-end care to our customers, and unburden them completely. So, our customers can concentrate on their business, without worrying about their environment.“
nFuse Goes Abroad
Our team does grow, lucky us, but to be able to offer even more capacity, we decided to add Spanish team members. This is quite a logical step to be fair. Xplore Group Spain is a well-established name, and nFuse was already offering security training to them. We are also asked on a yearly recurring basis to give security lectures to the University of Valencia. A close fit with their educational programme makes sure we can easily tap into potential employees.

Always on the Look-out for Talent
Every year, nFuse offers internships to the PXL Hasselt and the Thomas More bachelor programmes. This creates unique opportunities for us and for the students. Physical presence, and being part of the nFuse crew teach us, and our students a lot. By guiding the last year students towards their diploma, and job, we offer a symbiosis between us. We are always seeking high potential.
Are you looking for an exciting job? Do you think you have what it takes? We have multiple job offers at the moment. Make sure to visit our Jobs page!