Well, this is a brand new ballgame!
What does nFuse have to do with sports? And, more specifically, baseball? nFuse is a high-tech company with IT people…
Well…one of our team members is an avid baseball fan/coach/player. Rutger, our nFuse-MP, coaches and plays baseball in his free time. You can find him on a baseball field in Tongeren every Friday evening and Sunday morning.

Next to the field
Together with three more coaches, Rutger coaches the Junior and Minor teams. Since Baseball is a lesser-known sport in Belgium, it got him thinking. Can we get the team, and the sport more out in the open in Belgium?
Sharks Tongeren is quite a local club. Based on family-values, fun and being social. This is all the club is about. Everyone is equal, everyone deserves playtime.
Rutger contacted Cronos to see if there were any sponsorships available from Cronos. And there were! We are delighted to have received sponsorship from Cronos. “A massive thank you, Cronos!”.
Sharks Tongeren is not a big club and runs on volunteers only. So, funding is always challenging. There is an ongoing dialogue with the city of Tongeren to assist the club in its infrastructure. You can imagine the grounds are quite extended, and the fences and the dug-outs require quite a lot of maintenance.
And being such a small club, with the intent to give everyone an equal opportunity to play, the club provides quite a lot for its players. Visit the Sharks website for more info!
Next to the received sponsorship, nFuse decided to have several (quite large) banners printed with the Sharks logo, Cronos logo, Xplore Group logo and nFuse (of course). We are extremely proud to be THAT visible on the baseball field in Tongeren.
If you happen to live nearby Hasselt (The home base of nFuse) or Tongeren, make sure to visit the Sharks when they play at home. Make sure to check the schedule on the Sharks website.