Starting 2024 With a Bang
nFuse wouldn’t be nFuse if we did not start 2024 with a bang. We have just signed a contract with our first new customer of the year! Consequently, our counter of new customers has already been upped in the first week of the year.
We are incredibly proud to get the opportunity to service this new customer. Henceforth, nFuse will deliver Azure hosting to them.
Azure Hosting
Our new customer has an e-commerce application. nFuse will perform Des(Sec)Ops activities on a middleware ESB (part of the application). After that, we will also take care of the hosting on Azure and the managed services on the hosting component, our so-called HMS.
Rutger, one of the managing partners of nFuse, states that signing this contract is an essential step in the Multicloud Hosting services of nFuse. “We would like to attract more customers in several cloud environments. This enriches our customer base, our knowledge of different clouds (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and so on), and our span of expertise.”
“Signing this contract means that we can enrich our knowlegde of different clouds” – Rutger, MP nFuse