Everyone who knows the nFuse-team also knows that we are a lean and mean team. Therefore, we are always searching for driven experts that can enhance our team and make us better and stronger. We are proud to announce that Dylan chose to join our nFuse team.
Dylan has several years of experience in the Linux world, automation and DevOps. We think Dylan is a perfect fit for our team. Dylan will work as a DevOps consultant in our Application Managed Services team and will help us build up the DevSecOps pillar within nFuse.
Information Security is part of nFuse’s foundation, and Dylan’s mindset is not different. To quote Dylan:
I always have an eye out for security issues. Everything must remain secure but workable, both on the Cloud and on-premise!
Well, Dylan, we could not agree more. We at nFuse warmly welcome you to this fantastic team. Once up and running, we are convinced you will become a significant value for our customers and team.
Are you interested in one of our jobs? Then, make sure to visit our jobs page.